Marti's Closet Purge Update


I just got some things back from consignment that did not sell.  So posting them here, This is the first batch of items.  Please note that I ship via USPS priority - medium box is $15.05 and a large box is $22.05.  If you want several things and it comes to $225, I will ship it for free (USA only).  If you see something you like, you can comment OR email me with what the item is at 

If you see something you love and its maybe a bit more than you can spend, please message me, we can work something out.  For friends in PDX, I am happy to meet up and give you your items or ship them to you, or you can pick them up from me.

Note that I am putting this all up for a week - if there isn't any movement, I will probably send it to the Real Real, except the Madewell dress, that will head to Buffalo. It would be nice to find new homes for these lovely things for this coming fall season.

Many Blessings,

